KJSNA Menu Major Studies on Jaspers in English cont.

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Von Engelhardt, Dietrich (Hrsg). Psychopathologie gestern, heute, morgen. Zum 100. Geburtstag der 'Allgemeinen Psychopathologie' von Karl Jaspers. Heidelberg: Mattes Verlag, 2015. 

Erickson, Stephen A. The (Coming) Age of Thresholding. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

Howey, Richard Lowell. Heidegger and Jaspers on Nietzsche. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1973. 

Kane, John F. Pluralism and Truth in Religion: Karl Jaspers on Existential Truth. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, 1981. 

Kirkbright, Susanne. Karl Jaspers: A Biography. Navigations in Truth. New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press, 2004. 

O'Connor, Bernard F. A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Religion: The Perspective of Karl Jaspers. Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America, 1988. 

Olson, Alan M. Transcendence and Hermeneutics: An Interpretation of the Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1979. 

Olson, Alan M., Ed. Heidegger & Jaspers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994. 

Peach, Filiz. Death, "Deathlessness" and Truth in the Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. West Sussex, England: Edinburgh University Press, 2008. 

Samay, Sebastian. Reason Revisited: The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. 

Schilpp, Paul Arthur, Ed. The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. Augmented 2nd Edition. LaSalle: Open Court, 1981. (Contains Jaspers's "Philosophical Autobiography" [including chapter: "Heidegger"], critical contributions by 24 authors, and Jaspers's "Reply to His Critics"). 

Schrag, Oswald O. Existence, Existenz, and Transcendence. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1971. 

Wallraff, Charles F. Karl Jaspers : An Introduction to His Philosophy. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1970. 

Walters, Gregory J. Karl Jaspers and the Role of 'Conversion' in the Nuclear Age. Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America, 1988. Hardcover. Paperback, Karl Jaspers and the Role of 'Conversion' in the Nuclear Age

Walters, Gregory J. (Ed.). The Tasks of Truth: Essays on Karl Jaspers's Idea of the University. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang GmbH, 1996. 

Wisser, Richard and Leonard H. Ehrlich (Eds.). Karl Jaspers: Philosopher Among Philosophers/Philosoph unter Philosophen. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann; Amsterdam: Rodopi-USA/Canada, 1993. 

Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. Freedom and Karl Jaspers's Philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981.