31st Annual KJSNA Meetings (2009-2010)
In conjunction with the American Philosophical Association
27-30, 2009 New York, NY
Marriott Marquis
March 31 - April
4, 2010
San Francisco, CA
Westin St. Francis
106th ANNUAL MEETING (New York, NY)
DECEMBER 27-30, 2009
Sunday December 27, 2009
6:30 - 9:30 p.m. GI-3
SESSION ONE: World Philosophy and The Axial Age Thesis
Chair: Alan M. Olson (Boston University)
Speaker: Michael Zank (Boston University)
“Monotheism and its Discontents: Achsenzeit or deus ex machina?”
Speaker: Raymond Langley (Manhattanville College)
“Jaspers and Sartre: Is an Existential Philosophy of History Possible?”
Speaker: Eric Michael Dale (Emerson College)
“Humanism and Despotism: Jaspers and Hegel on Chinese History and Religion”
Commentator: Joseph Margolis (Temple University)
SESSION TWO: World Philosophy and The Axial Age Thesis
Monday December 28, 2009
7:30 - 10:30 p.m. GVI-5
Chair: Andrew Gluck (Independent Scholar)
Speaker: Czeslawa Piecuch (University of Krakow, Poland)
“The Second Axial Age: Fulfilling the Human Destiny”
Speaker: Kimiyo Murata-Soraci (Tama University, Japan)
“Confucius, Deference (Shu), and the Art of Listening”
Speaker: Elena Bezzubova (UC Irvine)
“The Russian Silver Age through the Prism of Jasper’s Axial Time”
Commentator: Alina Feld (Hofstra University)
KJSNA Business Meeting Following Session
ANNUAL MEETING (San Francisco, CA)
MARCH 31 - APRIL 4, 2010
Friday April 2, 2010
7:00 - 10:00 p.m. GX-E
SESSION ONE: Author Meets Critics
Chair: Alan M. Olson (Boston University)
Speaker: Suzanne Kirkbright (University of London)
“Karl Jaspers - A Biography: Navigations in Truth" (Yale 2004)”
Critics: Stephen Erickson (Pomona College)
Elena Bezzubova (UC Irvine)
Gregory Walters (St. Paul's Ottawa)
SESSION TWO: World Philosophy and The Axial Age Thesis
Saturday April 3, 2010
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. GXII-C
Chair: Helmut Wautischer (California State University, Sonoma)
Speaker: Tomoko Iwasawa (Reitaku University, Japan)
“Philosophical Faith as the Will to Communicate:
The Case of Helen Mears and Japan as Mirror for Americans (1948)”
Speaker: Lydia Voroniona (Independent Scholar)
“Philosophy of History in the Age of Globalization:
Karl Jaspers, Walter Benjamin, and Taoist Metaphysics”
Speaker: Joanne Miyang Cho (William Patterson University of New Jersey)
“Karl Jaspers on Rudolf Bultmann and Paradigmatic Individuals in Asia”
Alan M. Olson (Boston University)
KJSNA Business Meeting Following Session