35th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2013-2014)
In conjunction with the American Philosophical Association
27-30, 2013 Baltimore, MD
Marriott Waterfront
2014 |
Central |
26 - March 1, 2014 Chicago, IL
Palmer House
April 16-20, 2014
San Diego, CA
Westin Gaslamp Quarter
DECEMBER 27-30, 2013
Saturday, December 28
8:15 - 10:15 p.m., GVI-3
SESSION ONE: Author meets Critics
“Art and Truth after Plato”
(Universtity of Chicago Press, 2013)
Chair: Alan M. Olson (Boston University)
Author: Tom Rockmore (Duquesne University)
Critics: Joseph E. Margolis (Temple University)
Raymond Langley (Manhattanville College)
Sophie Cloutier (Saint-Paul University, Canada)
Alina Feld (Long Island University)
Sunday, December 29
8:00 - 10:00 p.m., GX-6
SESSION TWO: “Iconography and Transcendence: Reflections on Image, Icon, Economy by Marie-Jose Mondzain”
Chair: Alan M. Olson (Boston University)
Alina Feld (Long Island University)
"Contagion Through Gazing:
Ontological Transformation in Hindu Darshan and Christian Icon Veneration"
Lydia Voronina (Independent Scholar)
"The Double Transcendence: The Unseen in the Eyes of an Icon-Maker and Icon-Viewer"
FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 1, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
7:40 - 10:40 p.m., Room tba
SESSION ONE: “Van Gogh with Jaspers, Heidegger, and Bataille”
Chair: David P. Nichols (Saginaw Valley State University)
Speakers: Ingvild Torsen (Florida International University)
"Agency and Event in the World of the Artwork"
Commentators: Frederic Seyler (DePaul Univeristy)
Dimitri Constant (Boston University)
Rebecca Longtin Hansen (Emory University)
"The Transformation of Experience in Art: Heidegger and Jaspers on Van Gogh's Painting"
Commentators: Frederic Seyler (DePaul Univeristy)
Constance Morley (Independent Artist)
James Luchte (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)
"Prometheus Dismembered: Bataille on Van Gogh"
Commentator: Adrian Switzer (Park University)
Friday, February 28, 2014
7:00 - 10:00 p.m., Room tba
SESSION TWO: “Van Gogh with Jaspers, Heidegger, and Derrida”
Chair: Gregory J. Walters (Saint Paul University-Ottawa)
Speakers: Christian Lotz (Michigan State University)
"What is Wrong with Jaspers' and Heidegger's Van Gogh Interpretations?"
Commentator: Adrian Switzer (Park University)
Alina N. Feld (Long Island University)
"The Reign of Matter and the Task of the Times: Van Gogh's Illuminations"
Commentator: David P. Nichols (Saginaw Valley State University)
Kevin M. Richards (Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts)
"Pointure mal or 'If the shoe doesn't fit…'"
Respondents: Colby Dickinson (Loyola University)
Debra Riley Parr (Columbia College)
APRIL 16 - 20, 2014
Thursday, April 17
6:00 - 9:00 p.m., G5D
SESSION ONE: “Van Gogh with Jaspers, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty”
Chair: David P. Nichols (Saginaw Valley State University)
Speakers: Hakhamanesh Zangeneh (California State University Stanislaus)
"Pathology and Truth–Jaspers and Heidegger on Van Gogh"
Stephen H. Watson (Notre Dame University)
"Van Gogh and the Absence of the Work: On the Remnants of a Hermeneutic Itinerary"
Commentator: Elena Bezzubova (University of California Irvine)
Speakers: Galen A. Johnson (University of Rhode Island)
"'I have taken a step:' Merleau-Ponty's Thinking of Perception and the Art of Van Gogh"
Stephen A. Erickson (Pomona College)
"Van Gogh, Heidegger, and the Attuned Life"
Commentator: Purushottama Bilimoria (University of California Berkeley)
General Commentator: Malek Khazaee (California State University Long Beach)
Saturday, April 19
6:00 - 9:00 p.m., G9F
SESSION TWO: Author meets Critics
(1) “Ride, Boldly Ride: The Evolution of the American Western”
(University of California Press, 2012)
Co-author: Kevin Stoehr (Boston University)
(2) “Hollywood Westerns and American Myth”
(Yale University Press, 2010)
Author: Robert B. Pippin (Chicago University)
Chair: Alan M. Olson (Boston University)
Critics: Tomoko Iwasawa (Reitaku University, Japan)
Shai Biderman (Tel Aviv University)
Carlin Romano (Ursinus College)
KJSNA Business Meeting Following Session