39th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2018)
In conjunction with the American Philosophical Association
February 21 - 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
Palmer House Hilton
March 28 - April 1, 2018
San Diego, CA
Westin Gaslamp Quarter
February 21 - 24, 2018
Thursday, February 22
7:40 - 10:40 p.m., G8C
SESSION ONE: Joint Session of the Gabriel Marcel Society
and the Karl Jaspers Society of North America
Chair: Jill Graper Hernandez (University of Texas, San Antonio)
Daniel Adsett (Marquette University)
Does Philosophy Have Room for Faith? An Existentialist Response
Laura Matthews (University of Georgia)
An Enactive Response to Karl Jaspers' Explanatory Pluralism in General Psychopathology
Chady Rahme (Notre-Dame University, Lebanon)
Attachment, Communication as Communion:
A Project to Restore the Heart and Soul
Sue Whatley (Stephen F. Austin State University)
Atrocity, Marcel, and the Question of Progress:
A View from O'Connor's Woods
Saturday, February 24
12:10 - 2:10 p.m., G13F
SESSION TWO: Author meets Critics
The Religion of Existence:
Asceticism in Philosophy from Kierkegaard to Sartre
(University of Chicago Press, 2016)
Chair: Jill Graper Hernandez (University of Texas, San Antonio)
Author: Noreen Khawaja (Yale University)
Critics: Antony Aumann (Northern Michigan University)
Dawn Eschenauer Chow (University of Chicago)
Ryan Kemp (Wheaton College)
Sara Shady (Bethel University)
Commentator: Helmut Wautischer (Sonoma State University)
March 28 - April 1, 2018
Friday, March 30
7:00 - 9:00 p.m., G8D
SESSION ONE: Truth, Communication, and Free Speech - Jaspers and the University
Chair: Marnie Binder (California State University, Sacramento)
M. Ashraf Adeel (Kutztown University)
A Virtue-Theoretic Approach to the Concept of a University
Maxim Botstein (Harvard University)
The Idea of the University in Practice:
Karl Jaspers, Heinrich Blücher, and the Common Course at Bard College
Stephen A. Erickson (Pomona College)
The University and Civil Society:
The Challenges of Free Communication
Jörn Kroll (Institute of Noetic Sciences)
Selbsterhellung Beyond Academia and the Unexplored Potential of Philosophical Education
Senem Saner (California State University at Bakersfield)
Nothingness and Finitude: Exploring Existentialist Themes with Children
Dane Sawyer (University of LaVerne)
Existenz and Nothingness: Jaspers and Sartre on the Ontology of Truth
KJSNA Business Meeting Following Session
Saturday, March 31
6:00 - 8:00 p.m., G10C
SESSION TWO: Author meets Critics
From the Axial Age to the Moral Revolution:
John Stuart-Glennie, Karl Jaspers, and a New Understanding of the Idea
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
Chair: Elena Bezzubova (University of California, Irvine)
Author: Eugene Halton (University of Notre Dame)
Critics: Victor Lidz (Drexel University)
Christopher Peet (The King's University, Canada)
Benjamin Schewel (University of Virginia)
Helmut Wautischer (Sonoma State University)